Journal of Hematology, ISSN 1927-1212 print, 1927-1220 online, Open Access
Article copyright, the authors; Journal compilation copyright, J Hematol and Elmer Press Inc
Journal website

Case Report

Volume 10, Number 5, October 2021, pages 221-227

Hemolytic Anemia Complicating COVID-19 Infection


Figure 1.
Figure 1. Hemoglobin throughout hospitalization. Arrows indicate start date of medications. Red circles indicate blood transfusion.


Table 1. Literature Review of Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia Associated With COVID-19
ReferencesNo. of patientsAgeMedian Hgb at diagnosis (g/dL)AIHA typeDay of onsetaUnderlying disease likely contributingTreatment typeTime to remission and/or stabilization of Hgb
aDay of onset of AIHA from day of COVID diagnosis. +D1 defined as occurring on the day of COVID diagnosis. bOropharyngeal squamous cell CA on chemo-radiation; positive mycoplasma IgM: NEG PCR. cExact date of diagnosis not specified; Hgb ranged from 10.7 to 7.9 during hospitalization. dDate of COVID test not specified; coryzal symptoms started 2 weeks prior to COVID diagnosis. eCOVID diagnosis with thrombocytopenia was D+7 after respiratory symptoms started. AIHA occurred D+10 after COVID diagnosis (D+17 from onset of symptoms). fAsymptomatic COVID infection diagnosed same day as AIHA. gHgb = 8.1 on D6; Hgb = 12.6 at 7 weeks. hPatient discharged on day 8; Hgb was 11g/dL 7 days after discharge. iPrior history of AIHA, 3 years before COVID maintained on daily prednisone 20 mg. AIHA: autoimmune hemolytic anemia; IVIG: intravenous immunoglobulins; Hgb: hemoglobin; Hx: history; CLL: chronic lymphocytic leukemia; MZL: marginal zone lymphoma; MGUS: monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance; TCP: thrombocytopenia; ITP: immune thrombocytopenic purpura; NA: not available.
Campos-Cabrera et al [4]2 F35 and 58NAWarm IgG + C3dD+1NonePrednisoneNA
Capes et al [5]1 M626.9Positive C3bD+16QuestionablebTransfusion support only (8 units over 1 week)NA
Chiare et al [6]1 F868.3Positive IgGD+49NoneSteroidsD+13
Hindilerden et al [7]1 M564.3Positive IgG + C3dD+4NoneIVIG then steroidsD+12 transfusion independent; D+14 Hgb 8.4; D+17 Hgb > 10.7
Hseih et al (2021) [8]1 M844.4Positive IgG + anti-KellD+10-13NoneTransfusion + steroidsNA
Huda et al (2021) [9]1 M549Positive IgGD+8NonePrednisoneNA
Jacobs and Eichbaum [10]1 F331.3Positive IgG + C3; possibly mixed AIHAD-2NoneSteroids + rituximab + tocilizumabD+10
Jawed et al [11]1 MAbout 507.9 to 10.7cPositive C3d (did not specify if cold or warm)NAdNoneNAD+21
Lazarian et al [12]7 (3 F, 4 M) + 1 with Hx of AIHA> 6074 with warm (2 IgG only, 2 IgG + C3d); 3 with cold (2 C3d only, 1 C3 + IgG)Median + D9 (range 4 - 13)5 (CLL, MZL, MGUS)Five treated with steroids; two treated with rituximabNA
Li et al (2020) [13]1 M396DAT 3+ (did not specify if IgG or complement)D+10eNoneIVIG only: patient had gastrointestinal bleed due to ITP treated with IVIGD+28 (Hgb 7 after IVIG, Hgb 11 four weeks post discharge)
Liput et al [14]1 F336.5, nadir 6.2-transfusedPositive IgG + C3D+1fNonePrednisoneNot reportedg
Lopez et al [15]1 F469.7Warm (positive IgG + C3)D-3Congenital TCPPrednisone after IVIGD+15h
Patil et al [16]1 F515.1Positive C3d; cold agglutinin titer 80D+1NoneSolumedrol for respiratory deteriorationD+14 (Hgb 11)
Raghuwanshi [17]1 M456.9Cold agglutininD+1NoneNANA
Ramos-Ruperto et al (2021) [18]3 (1 M, 2 F)54, 72,766.5 - 82 with positive IgG; one only C3Unknown
One with CLL
Steroids + plasma exchange
Woldie et al [19]1 M247.5, nadir = 5.8Positive IgG + C3D+1History of AIHAiPrednisone + cyclophosphamideD+13
Zagorski et al [20]1 F465.3Positive IgG + C3dD+1History of ITP in pregnancy (unlikely contributing)Died before treatmentNA


Table 2. Vital Signs and Physical Exam Findings
Vital signsFindings
Temperature36.6 °C
Blood pressure160/82 mm Hg
Heart rate84 beats per minute
Respiratory rate18 breaths per minute
Oxygen saturation96% on room air
Physical examAnicteric sclera, no palpable lymphadenopathy or splenomegaly. Rectal exam guaiac negative.


Table 3. Laboratory Findings
Laboratory testResultReference range (if applicable)
G6PD: glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; IgG: immunoglobulin G; Hgb: hemoglobin.
Hemoglobin6.7 g/dL12.9 - 16.1
Mean corpuscular volume82 fL79.0 - 92.2
White blood cell count18,000/µL, 70% neutrophils4,200 - 9,100
Platelet count389,000/µL150,000 - 400,000
Lactate dehydrogenase2,569 U/L140 - 271
Haptoglobin4 mg/dL32 - 197
Total bilirubin2.7 mg/dL0.3 - 1.9
  Direct0.84 mg/dL≤ 0.18
  Indirect1.86 mg/dL0.1 - 1.0
Absolute reticulocyte count71,000/µL26,000 - 95,000
Indirect antiglobulin testPositive, no alloantibody identified-
Direct antiglobulin test-
  On admissionPositive, negative IgG and weakly positive complement C3
  On day 3 of hospitalizationPositive, positive IgG (2+) and positive complement C3 (3+)
Cold agglutinins titer< 1:32-
Iron83 µg/dL50 - 212
Ferritin1,076 ng/mL24 - 336
Vitamin B12> 2,800 pg/mL180 - 914
Folate> 20 ng/mL≥ 5.9
G6PD2.2 - 5.0 U/g Hgb7.9 - 16.3
C-reactive protein117 mg/L≤ 10.0
Fibrinogen787 mg/dL200 - 393
D-dimer> 5,000 ng/mL≤ 574
Creatinine0.70 - 1.30
  On admission5.56 mg/dL
  On day 451.15 mg/dL
Serum protein electrophoresisNegative


Table 4. Diagnostic Findings
Diagnostic testFindings
SARS-CoV-2: severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; RBC: red blood cell.
Peripheral blood smearFew echinocytes, rare schistocytes (1 - 2 per high powered field), large platelets with few platelet clumps; no significant agglutination. No immature white blood cells, frequent bands.
Chest X-rayBilateral airspace opacities consistent with SARS-CoV-2 infection
CT chest of abdomen and pelvisNo acute findings, negative for splenomegaly, hepatomegaly or lymphadenopathy
Renal studies
  UrinalysisLarge blood but only 3 RBCs
  Urine microscopyMuddy brown casts
  Renal ultrasoundNo hydronephrosis - 10.7 cm, 11.1 cm kidney size
Bone marrow biopsy and aspirationMildly hypo-cellular marrow (20-30%) with no dysplasia or abnormal hematolymphoid cell populations