Journal of Hematology, ISSN 1927-1212 print, 1927-1220 online, Open Access
Article copyright, the authors; Journal compilation copyright, J Hematol and Elmer Press Inc
Journal website

Original Article

Volume 10, Number 3, June 2021, pages 106-113

Essential Thrombocythemia in Children: A Retrospective Study


Figure 1.
Figure 1. Platelet count at diagnosis by gender and age.
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Scatterplot of hematological parameters of interest.


Table 1. Demographics and Clinical Characteristics (N = 28)
Variables of interestFemaleMaleOverall
aTwenty patients (71.4%) were asymptomatic. bN = 18. Values are number (%) or median (minimum, maximum).
Patients, n (%)19 (67.9)9 (32.1)28 (100.0)
Age at diagnosis (years)10.0 (0.14, 13.8)6.0 (at birth, 12.1)8.8 (at birth, 13.8)
Height (cm)127.0 (61.0, 163.0)132.0 (70.0, 151.0)130.0 (61.0, 163.0)
Weight (kg)40.1 (6.7, 62.0)28.7 (9.1, 41.0)35.0 (6.7, 62.0)
Parental consanguinity, n (%)
  Negative12 (42.9)
  Positive16 (57.1)
Symptomsa, n (%)
  Headache4 (14.3)
  Bleeding2 (7.1)
  Vomiting2 (7.1)
  Abdominal pain1 (3.6)
  Nausea1 (3.6)
  Fatigue1 (3.6)
  Palpitation1 (3.6)
  Myopathy1 (3.6)
Blood groupb, n (%)
  A+5 (27.8)
  B+1 (5.6)
  O+10 (55.6)
  AB+2 (11.1)


Table 2. Hematological Profile at Presentation
ParametersFemale (n = 19)Male (n = 9)Overall (n = 28)P value
Values are median (minimum, maximum). WBC: white blood cell; Hb: hemoglobin; RBC: red blood cell; RDW: red cell distribution width; MCV: mean corpuscular volume; MPV: mean platelet volume; TIBC: total iron binding capacity; ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate; vWF: von Willebrand factor.
Platelets (× 109/L)826.0 (529.0, 2,003.0)848.0 (625.0, 1,556.0)846.5 (529.0, 2,003.0)0.562
WBC (× 109)8.8 (4.1, 16.5)9.6 (7.8, 15.9)9.2 (4.1, 16.5)0.172
Hb (g/L)123.0 (101.0, 156.0)126.0 (119.0, 152.0)125.5 (101.0, 156.0)0.383
RBC (× 1012/L)4.4 (3.4, 5.6)4.8 (4.5, 5.4)4.6 (3.4, 5.6)0.142
Reticulocyte count (%)1.3 (0.9, 2.0)1.1 (0.7, 1.7)1.3 (0.7, 2.0)0.267
Reticulocyte count (× 109/L)60.7 (35.0, 93.0)55.9 (15.0, 99.0)55.9 (15.0, 99.0)0.764
RDW14.0 (12.1, 18.0)13.0 (8.0, 15.0)13.8 (8.0, 18.0)0.085
MCV81.8 (70.0, 95.0)80.2 (75, 88.4)80.9 (70.0, 95.0)0.322
MPV9.1 (8.4, 10.5)8.8 (5.5, 10.0)9.0 (5.5, 10.5)0.129
Serum ferritin40.0 (18.0, 237.0)34.4 (23.0, 101.0)40.0 (18.0, 237.0)0.809
TIBC57.6 (49.9, 80.8)59.0 (53.8, 67.0)58.1 (49.9, 80.8)0.945
ESR13.0 (5.0, 222.0)16.0 (10.0, 113.0)14.5 (5.0, 222.0)0.443
vWF antigen1.51 (0.5, 60.0)39.5 (0.8, 94.0)1.51 (0.5, 94.0)0.556
vWF assay0.6 (0.4, 50.0)20.5 (0.6, 49.0)0.93 (0.42, 50.0)0.556


Table 3. Patient’s Profile at Presentation, Treatment Regimen and Follow-Up
PatientGenderAge at diagnosis (years)Symptoms at presentationPlatelets (× 109/L)WBC (× 109/L)JAK2CALRMPLTreatment regimenSymptoms during follow-upDuration of follow-up (months)
WBC: white blood cell; JAK2: Janus kinase 2 gene; CALR: calreticulin; MPL: myeloproliferative leukemia virus oncogene; LDA: low-dose aspirin.
1Male6.6None6257.8NegativeNot doneNot doneNoneNone54.9
2Male9.9None6339.0NegativeNot doneNot doneLDANone228.6
4Male5.8None84513.2NegativeNot doneNot doneAnagrelideNone192.0
5Male12.1None8489.2NegativeNot doneNot doneNoneNone41.5
6Male5.8None1,0128.9NegativeNot doneNot doneNoneNone41.9
8Male10.0None1,4039.6NegativeNot doneNot doneHydroxyureaAzoospermia87.0
9Male6.0None1,55615.9Not doneNot doneNot doneLDANone148.6
10Female3.6None5297.9NegativeNot doneNot doneNoneNone178.7
11Female8.9Weakness, fatigue, myopathy5298.7PositiveNot doneNot doneLDA + hydroxyureaNone218.2
12Female10.0None5434.1PositiveNot doneNot donePlatelets + LDABudd-Chiari syndrome208.4
14Female1.6None65416.5NegativeNot doneNot doneNoneNone20.0
15Female1.8Headache, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting6775.3NegativeNegativeNegativeNoneNone113.8
16Female13.8Headache75011.3Not doneNot doneNot doneLDANone101.9
18Female3.1Bleeding (spontaneous)8057.0NegativeNot doneNot doneNoneNone78.7
19Female10.0None8266.5NegativeNot doneNot doneNoneNone65.6
20Female13.6None85011.9NegativeNot doneNot doneNoneNone21
21Female8.8None89811.3NegativeNot doneNot doneNoneNone71.0
22Female1.1None90314.2NegativeNot doneNot doneNoneNone32.6
23Female11.0None1,2056.5NegativeNot doneNot doneLDA + hydroxyureaNone74.5
24Female12.0None1,2074.7NegativeNot doneNot doneLDANone227.5
25Female11.0Headache, vomiting1,2778.7NegativeNot doneNot doneLDA + hydroxyureaNone55.4


Table 4. Clinical and Laboratory Featuresa by JAK2 Mutation Positivity (N = 26)
JAK2+ (n = 2)JAK2- (n = 24)P value
aValues are median (minimum, maximum) unless otherwise specified. bOverall follow-up time, median (minimum, maximum): 71.6 months (one visit, 228.6). JAK2: Janus kinase 2 gene mutation; WBC: white blood cell; Hb: hemoglobin; NOS: not otherwise specified.
Age at diagnosis (years)9.4 (8.9, 10.0)7.7 (at birth, 13.6)0.745
Platelets (× 109/L)536.0 (529.0, 543.0)849.0 (529.0, 2,003.0)0.012
WBC (× 109)6.4 (4.1, 8.7)9.2 (4.7, 16.5)0.123
Hb (g/L)128.5 (101.0, 156.0)124.5 (110.0, 152.0)1.000
Reticulocyte count (× 109/L)89.5 (86.0, 93.0)55.9 (35.0, 99.0)0.042
Follow-up time (months)b213.0 (208.4, 218.2)60.5 (one visit, 228.6)0.098
Symptoms (at presentations), n (%)0.474
  Asymptomatic1 (50.0%)18 (75.0%)
  Symptomatic1 (50.0%)6 (25.0%)
    Weakness1 (33.3%)None
    Fatigue1 (33.3%)None
    Myopathy1 (33.3%)None
    HeadacheNone3 (30.0%)
    VomitingNone2 (20.0%)
    Abdominal painNone1 (10.0%)
    NauseaNone1 (10.0%)
    PalpitationNone1 (10.0%)
    Bleeding (spontaneous)None1 (10.0%)
    Bleeding (NOS)None1 (10.0%)
Complications (during follow-up), n (%)0.289
  None experienced1 (50.0%)21 (87.5%)
  With issues1 (50.0%)3 (12.5%)
    Budd-Chiari syndrome1 (100%)None
    Stroke2 (66.6%)None
    Azoospermia1 (33.3%)None